I love music so much, i listen to music whenever i sleep or code. Some of my favourite music artists are KMFDM, MSI and crystal castles. I prefer electronic music to more traditional music, hardstyle or jumpstyle are cool. I also listen to dsmb sometimes
I used to listen to alot of mitski and more "basic" artists such as korn and mother mother back in 2020, i still have a big mitski poster in my room. I also bought a lady gaga vinyl which i still have to this day, it came with a poster that i havent hung up yet.
i own a mp3 player, it has rillakuma stickers on it and is black.It has 22 songs and 4 pictures on it. Most of those songs are KMFDM songs but theres also some 2000s party music.I dont use spotify anymore ever since i stopped using my phone and honestly i prefer the mp3 player
my favourite song at the moment is taking drugs? by scott brown and krank by KMFDM